Has your loved one been killed by someone else's negligence? If they have, you are sure to have many different reactions, including grief, sadness and anger. While you don't want to file a lawsuit purely for revenge, you do deserve compensation to cover such things as burial expenses, loss of income, medical expenses, and pain and suffering. Stace Williams Law Firm
has worked with many victims' families to ensure that they get what is their right.
Wrongful Death Lawsuit
No matter how your loved one was killed, if it was due to someone else's bad decision, you have certain rights. While an insurance company may offer you a settlement, it is important not to accept anything until you have had a chance to allow an attorney to look the settlement over and counsel you on the pros and cons of accepting. You want someone you can trust with not only your situation but also with the best interests of your family.
Getting Your Rightful Compensation
The attorneys at Stace Williams Law Firm
make it their goal to get you the maximum compensation for your family member's wrongful death. While you may believe that filing a claim is selfish, even more selfish is not taking care of your family in the best way possible. That is why you want to get your family the damages to which they have a right. Your family will never be the same, and the money cannot make up for the loss, but it can take some of the financial pressure off of them.
Car accidents and medical malpractice are two reasons why a family member may have died. If there is an individual or company that can be considered legally responsible for your family member's death, then you have certain rights you can exert. By choosing a law firm that specializes in personal injury and wrongful death cases, you can make sure that your rights are protected and that you are given the compensation you deserve.
If your loved one has been killed in an accident, you are sure to have questions and concerns about taking care of your family. One of these is most likely financial concerns. By contacting Stace Williams Law Firm, you can discuss your situation and determine if filing a wrongful death claim can take some of the financial stress out of the equation. Call in Lubbock
at 806-744-0000
or Midland and Odessa at 432-789-1900
to discuss your case.
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